News From My Digital Desk

Here are some of my favourite curated top stories and interesting articles, that I just had to read, that came across my digital news desk today, December, 23 2024. You can also visit our NewsDesk Page for a constantly updated RSS feed of some of the top tech stories and posts from around the globe.
Here are the 12 articles that really peaked my interest today:
This M5 chip is going to be a game changer. While we are still only halfway through the M4 chip rollout, the changes coming, especially withe the server grade M5 Pro, allowing the CPU and GPU to use separate designs!

I'm not sure what to think of these SMART glasses yet. I'm definitely on the fence of whether this is a good thing or not but, Scott's review of trying out the Live AI is quite interesting and shows how they are really only in their infancy stage.

I've always been a big fan of Telegram and I am happy to hear they are getting profitable after years of massive debt.

Ah, the monopoly of Google. It will be interesting to hear about what violations Japan's FTC will be reporting.
Ouch, a 40% increase in X's Premium Plus plan. I know it's got a few enhancements with richer AI, ad-free and trend spotter software but, I think I am glad I jumped off that bandwagon.

This investigation certainly causes a ramped up escalation into China’s semiconductor industry and their industrial targeting and questionable market practices do need to be addressed.

More than 100 countries have committed to a carbon net-zero goal by the middle of this century but this is a huge challenge. But Chemical Looping technology just might make it possible.

Yes, it's massively bulky, but this exoskeleton design is an incredible achievement and it was all inspired by Iron Man!

It's taken 5 years but WhatsApp has finally scored a victory against group for their exploiting an app vulnerability and injecting spyware into unsuspecting users devices.

This is an interesting read regarding our fear of AI and where it is heading. Building a replica of ourselves (or maybe better) has certainly been the drive.

With Apple's AI integration on iPhones in 2025 and their entry into the Smart Home market with a bold tech device statement, it's no wonder they could be the the most valuable company in the world.

This is a very interesting article on the record breaking wind that has been happening in Ireland and Scotland, pushing the energy prices to below zero! Weather changes are here and taking advantage of them to reduce the near 70% of gas powered energy production is a game changer.