A Bit About Us
Sign UpThe BinaryBITS | TechBytes (BITS) Tech Blog's purpose is to help close the gap between technology and know-how by providing awareness, conversations, tech news, and tech advice surrounding Information Technology, Information Systems, best practices, the odd review, how to's , do's and don'ts, up and coming tech highlights, Tech Tip's, Fun Tech Facts and a little bit of opinion thrown into the mix.
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BinaryBITS | Tech Bytes (or BITS) started in December 2024, and is managed by WilxCloud Technology Solutions (WTS). BITS was formerly posting as the "WTS Tech Blog" since 2022 however, Brett Wilx, owner of WTS, wanted the blog to have a separate, dedicated focus, and so... BITS was formed.
About WilxCloud TS
WilxCloud Technology Solutions closes the gap between technology and know-how by offering residential and business IT services and solutions that bring confidence, security and unity. Serving Cache Creek, BC and the surrounding communities in Gold Country and along the Gold Rush Trail, WTS helps give you the confidence you need using today's technology. For more information about WTS visit https:wilxcloudts.com
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The BITS community is proud to offer content for beginners (Tech 101) and tech enthusiasts, so make sure to subscribe and get notified! And, as always, let us know if there is a tech topic of interest that you would like us to discuss, review or provide further insight or opinion on, and we will do our best to share it with you.
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